We have reached our maximum of players for 2024. If you'd like to be added to our standby list, please reach out to Jason or David.

Entry Requirements

$100 Buy-In
After signing up on the website, each player is required to pay a $100 Buy-In to verify their registration. Payment can be made to Jason or David.
Every Round Commitment
By registering for this tournament, you are committing to play EVERY ROUND. Including the Final Tournament.
Accurate Handicap Required
As this is a competitive tournament, an accurate and recent handicap is required to join. If you don't know your handicap, reach out to Jason or David directly to get one calculated.
18 Birdies Golf App
All rounds must be entered in the 18 Birdies golf app. If you don't have an account, create one here
"Tiger Woods who? He's never won the C.P. Open"
Leslie Dockstader*

Sign Up For 2024
